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Исмаил-Заде М.Р. (Ismail-zade M.R.)
 Петросянц К.О., Исмаил-Заде М.Р., Самбурский Л.М., Харитонов И.А.
SPICE-модели полевых транзисторов со структурой MOSFET и JFET для расширенного диапазона температуры до -200°С
 Petrosyants K.O., Ismail-zade M.R., Sambursky L.M.
The Special Features of Simulation of the Current–Voltage Characteristics of JFETs in the Cryogenic Temperature Range
 Petrosyants K.O., Sambursky L.M., Kozhukhov M.V., Ismail-zade M.R., Kharitonov I.A.
SPICE Compact BJT, MOSFET and JFET Models for ICs Simulation in the Wide Temperature Range (from-200? C to+ 300? C)
 Petrosyants K.O., Popov D.A., Ismail-zade M.R., Sambursky L.M., Bo Li, Wang Y.C.
Tcad and spice models for account of radiation effects in nanoscale mosfet structures
 Petrosyants K.O., Ismail-zade M.R., Sambursky L.M.
Compact Si JFET model for cryogenic temperature

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